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New Moon In Capricorn 30/12/24- Transformation


New Moons are indicative of themes for the coming month. On the 30th we had a New Moon in Capricorn. Firstly it is useful to consider the symbolism of Capricorn. Contrary to what is often written, this is not a goat. It is a mythical creature, a goat with a fish’s tail. It relates to the Nature god Pan who was half goat from the waist down, and human in the upper body. He spent his time playing pipes and looking for nymphs. His was a life of following instinct and desire. One day he as he walked along a River bank, he came across Typhon. This was a deadly monster, a giant with hundreds of dragon heads. Pan had no choice. He jumped into the river and turned into the Capricorn, with the upper body of a goat and the lower body of a fish.

There is much that we could say about the symbolism of Pan as a double bodied character. However, on this New Moon, the theme of transformation through crisis is especially pertinent. Pan has no choice when he meets the Typhon. He either jumps into the river, surrendering to the need for transformation, or he dies. This theme is further emphasised by the Conjunction to Pholus, the Centaur.

Pholu’s story is one of tragedy. The symbolism around it holds themes of loss of innocence or naïveté. It is about deadly toxicity being revealed with dramatic consequences through apparently small acts.

The combination of Capricorn and Pholus suggests a period in which we will have to confront how personal actions or habits, however small, are proving to be toxic to us. We need to make a choice to change or face dire consequences.

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